Thumbs Up For Donald Trump

I assure you, I will run this great nation with only the best intent
As a man who has a lot of money, I am well qualified to be president

I relate deeply with those who are blue collar
Because I launched my career with the small loan of a million dollars

That’s right America, I have answered your prayers
But of course, a sum of our tax money will go to grooming my hair

Besides, who needs taxes for health care when you are born economically blessed
Up here at the top 1%, it’s hard to hear the poor cry of distress

Upon other nations, friendly ways I shall coerce
I am a man who gets along with people (ignore my second divorce)

I will shut out the immigrants and bring terrorism to a halt
Because obviously a few extremists cause all Muslims to be at fault

I will get this economy into its prime
Forget that I have been bankrupt a whopping four times

America doesn’t really need a leader with a smart brain
We just need someone who will make America great again

Maya Gonzales ’18

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